Fireworks please

Fireworks please

On the evening of Friday 28th October my dear friend Basil sends me a text: “Congratulations on the publication of your book. Well done.”  I respond quickly: “Thanks for remembering the date but has it actually been published? There have been no...

Radio Gaga

After 13 interviews in a row with the BBC’s regional radio stations yesterday about my book Is Your Child Safe Online?, friends and family have been ringing to ask if they can listen again. Having played back the five that were live, and feeling very much like my own...
Fireworks please

Is Your Child Safe Online?

My book Is Your Child Safe Online? published by White Ladder will be available in bookshops next week. It is currently available for pre-order from Waterstones and on Amazon.

Is Your Child Safe Online?

After six months of fascinating research my book Is Your Child Safe Online: a Parent’s Guide to the internet, Facebook, Mobile Phones and other New Media is finally in production. In the course of research I have interviewed a wide cross section of people from...

Feeding Africa

Rising food prices and the link to political instability have been a core theme across global media in recent weeks, following the release of United Nations updated food price index in January. That was bad news; for seven consecutive months the index rose, in both...