Google and the place of the flying ducks

Google and the place of the flying ducks

‘Matatiele’: When I entered this Basotho word, which roughly translated means ‘the ducks have flown’, into Google last week, I was curious. How would, or even could, Google portray this place of beloved and vividly remembered childhood holidays? Top of search was...
Counting blessings

Counting blessings

“Darling, why not phone them now and say we will ring them when we get to Nairobi. Tell them Mummy wants to take them to Carnivore tomorrow night.” Carnivore, this slightly overweight, posh Brit tells her public school looking teenagers, is a restaurant. As I’m...
Secrets, lies and thinking on your feet

Secrets, lies and thinking on your feet

Keep Calm Pamela. This is the message on the key ring given to me last Saturday morning by my friend, the mother of my daughter’s friend of nearly 15 years. The best friend is organising a surprise birthday party and I’m dropping my son off at hers so that we can...
Guilt, shame and regret

Guilt, shame and regret

My interview yesterday morning, which revolved around the state of education in South Africa, started with a greeting in a language I did not understand. At least I think it was a greeting. Maybe he thought that as a South African born journalist living in London, who...